Edited and "improved" by Amy (mostly, the parentheses are me).
We went hiking on Friday the 20th at Silver Creek Falls State Park. On the way there, the gas light on the car went on (oops)... After a few moments of panic, we got ahold of our friend Charissa and she let us know where a nearby gas station was. We made it to Sublimity just in time to pull up to the gas station on Starr Rd (must have been a sign). After filling up we went on our way to the Falls (really awesome and beautiful if you've never gone. You probably should. We reccommend it). We got to a trail starting area and walked around the falls with squirrels, hummingbirds, Trilliums, and various other forms of beauty, such as Amy, all around us. When we arrived back at the car there were some blacktailed deer waiting for us (which Mark decided was also a sign, I'm not quite sure why. But they were cute.) Then we ate a complete, balanced lunch of fruit, goldfish, and gummy worms.
Since Amy had to work at 4:00, we headed back so she could get back to work on time. What Amy didn't know was that the ring wasn't actually ready until that day (what he would have done if I didn't have to work, I would love to know!!). I had brought it in weeks before and it was supposed to have been ready earlier that week but the gold apparently took longer to get than expected. Wanting to be sure I got the ring before they closed at 4:00, I let Amy know that I needed to pick up my check from Fred Meyer before 4:00 (bah, lies, all lies!!). After having lunch at Quizno's (very romantic I know) we head over to my house. Amy checked some stuff online for her stats class she's taking, while I went to Charissa asking "do you want to go to Fred Meyer?" loudly, winking, and rubbing my finger (poor me, not suspecting a thing. Poor deceived me!).
We left to pick up the ring and Amy went to work (entirely unsuspicious, I might add!) Amy had mentioned earlier that she wanted to go stargazing that night (I played it right into his hands, geez, I'm easy!). Charissa and I then went to scout out an area, and found one at a water treatment facility on one of the hills overlooking Newberg. After that we DID go to Fred Meyer to pick up my check (ok, I guess it wasn't all a lie) as well as other items for the night.
After Amy got off work, we went to dinner at Chan's in Dundee. We figured out later that it was the same place that Amy took me on my birthday when we first starting "going out." (Did we plan that? Nope, but it was an interesting coincidence. Too bad we didn't try to hop a train afterwards, like we did the first time...ask us that story sometime). After we had eaten we came back to my place to watch Planet Earth (the most AMAZING nature documentary EVER made, I get goosebumps every time I see it...for those of you still in the dark about this glorious new thing, you must watch!). Chad, Charissa, and Pat were there--for those of you who aren't aware, I live with Chad and Charissa Burns at their house. Halfway through, Charissa had "just remembered" that she needed to get some food for dinner tomorrow so they left to get it. (Entirely suspicious, but I was so excited about the monkeys on the show, I didn't notice!). Once the show was finished we got some warm clothes on, loaded up some blankets, and headed out.
Hey guys! awesome story!! :) it was great to see you two today outside the lab. Congratulations! :)
Hey guys I am SO PUMPED! WHen is the big day by the way?
soooooo sweet! this is such a wonderful story of two wonderful people finding eachother! i miss you Amy! and i'm sooooo happy for you! and i can't believe i didn't know about your blog til today! well, glad we have e-mail! congratulations again... now it's official :)
much love from sLOVEnija:)
Oh Amy and her tarp--you're so practical! :P
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